February Aquanews - Fresh Fish Arrivals

February Aquanews - Fresh Fish Arrivals

New Fish Arriving Every Week


Did you know we receive new freshwater and saltwater fish every week?  Last week we received some awesome angelfish, freshwater and saltwater puffers, a dragon eel, and more!






New Shrimp and Axolotl



Our latest arrival of freshwater shrimp were super bright and big.  Orange, yellow, green, and double A Cherry.  And a nice group of algae eating amano shrimp.

And for those of you looking for axolotl, we have a new batch of small, medium, and large axolotl.  Gold, natural, and dark colors.



All Kent Marine Products 2 for 1


The Kent Marine brand has been discontinued.  So, any Kent Marine products in store is available 2 for 1.  We have many 2 liter bottles of Tech M Magnesium available!


Tuesdays by appointment only


Closed on Tuesdays for renovations !!

To help us complete ongoing renovations we will be closed on Tuesdays until April 1st.  If any of you have tank emergencies don't hesitate to reach out - we will be in the store working!  Please pardon our dust.



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